Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Thriver Thinking ..... From Survivor to Thriver:

I had a severe brain injury as a result of falling off a boogie-board

in shallowwater in the surf at Peregian Beach on the Sunshine

Coast of Queensland, Australia in December 1995 .... as simple as

that. That was over thirteen years ago. I have written my story ' which

outlines howto be a victor though the worst situations in life .......

'The Rose Water Story' can be downloaded as

The Rose Water Story 6 KB.

I attribute my ongoing recovery primarily to my Christian Spirituality

which has brought healing, restoration and transformation of life

purpose. A Christian spirituality comes as a consequence of having

a ChristianWorldview. It isn'tanother Spirituality in the Post

Modern Culture of many spiritualities which areall seen to be equal.

It is a unique Spirituality whichintegrates the whole of life..... of

the Inner, Middle and Outer Persons {Spirit, Soul (= mind, will

and emotions) and the Body}. It means being a disciple of the

Person of Jesus Christ, not a follower

of a Church as a Corporation. Christian Spirituality could

also be termeda Spirituality from Jesus Christ. The heart of a

Christian spirituality is having an new identity through Jesus Christ.

When you have an identity, you then have a purpose for being here.

The link between an identity and purpose is the structural

axis for restoration from a brain injury or maintaining a healthy

direction in life for anyone. Late in 2005 I was talking to my friend

Wayne Spyve. He mentioned this really wonderful concept to

which something within me immediately responded. He said I should

move from seeing myself as being a Brain Injury Survivor, and

think of myself and others who had been through similar challenges,

to seeing myself as a Brain Injury Thriver. This radically changed the

way I saw myself, my relationships and my ability to influence others.

My spirit kept calling out "You are a Thriver, not just a Survivor".


The Context Of My Brain-injury: I ran a small Landscape Design

and Construction Company called ‘New Earth Systems P/L’

for 20 years doing very creative, individual designer gardens for

wealthy residential clients around Brisbane . I was an artistic sort

of person, a lateral thinker ..... more artist than businessman.

I thought of landscape it as a three-dimensional piece of space

which people walked through. This space changed with time as

it grew with the time of day: shadows vs. sun patterns, boulders,

colour, plants, trees, earth-forms, solid structures and water.

These were the ingredients in a subtle flow of landscape design

and construction. Rather an intangible product to sell and run

a business with!!

From this I built a structure for my life: my marriage with Harriet,

business and the house plus we had a family.

See the website on the house here. However as I had a focus

on creativity rather then on a successful business outcomes,

this led to fragmentary results.

My severe brain injury was over thiteen years ago. I am now in a

new season of life. I went through a real transformation of life

whereby I went from being:

1. Physical Gardener (Outer Sustainability)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Inner Life Gardener

(Inner Sustainability)

Inner Sustainability: In an ongoing personal sense of core value

from within. Sustainability I have come to see, has to be a

wholistic view on life of Inner, Middle and Outer Persons. Problems

come because things do not change from the Outside to Inside but

from the Inside to the Outside. This side of the accident, I have come

\to see all people as made in the image or likeness of God. Even

though people may be broken people, we can all be restored through

Jesus Christ back into that image of God again.

The result of my accident was such that I was:

o In a coma for four weeks for six months. I felt like a three year

old child in the first week after I woke up from the coma with

no control over my actions o Had to learn to walk, talk, eat

solid food all over again I had to learn everything over again

.... how dress myself etc. Get my brain back together from

a very scrambled state I lost a lot of intuitive ability to feel what

other people are saying ..... although that has come back now

The one major thing that has come out of this accident is that I

am on a permanent life-long Income Protection Policy where I

went from virtually no work in 1995 to where I didn't have to ever

work again. I talk more about this in my story 'The Rose Water Story'.

That is real God-coincidence as to how I came to have that in place

four months before the accident I didn't know I was going to have.

Now you cannot get these policies at all in Australia for business

people. That is God.Thirteen years on, I wouldn't doing a fraction

of what am doing now with principle of being synergistically

linked to others. This has occurred in the following ways:

  • Harriet my Wife: First and foremost is my wife Harriet
who would drive every day to see me ..... for six months even
while I was in a four week coma. Harriet drove from Chambers Flat
from where we live, to Woolloongabba at the Princess Alexander
Hospital. Finding a park outside the hospital and walking in made
journey of at least an hour. That was a journey of 30 kms. each way.
After the visit she had the long journey home again. This generous
support which I received, was a very important part of my recovery.
Many other patients are not so fortunate.
  • My Family: In 2008 (now thirteen years on) it has become very
close again like a little community in and of itself, all members working
for the common good. This is because we all share in a common, a
sustainable life of structure, spirituality and social network. I have
two children .... Claire and Anthony .... they have been very supportive of me.
  • Support from Friends: I not only had excellent support from my wife
but many, many friends throughout my hospitalisation where nearly
100 ++ people came to see me over six months. Some people I

hadn't seen for fifteen years. My mind was not very good then but

some friends would sit and read for hours beside my bed
  • Money from Friends: As soon as my injury occurred in
December 1995, friends who I hadn't from for years,
phoned Harriet from down south even in other states to see
how I was. People began to send notes of encouragement to
her with sometimes gifts of money.


Inner and Outer Life: Everyone of us has a private space in our

lives that we carefully guard. I call it ‘The Garden of Life’ A garden

is a personal space you can go out into and to enjoy the peace, the

cool air, the shadows of trees, the sun shining with translucent light

through tree leaves and palm fronds, the perfume of beautiful

blossoms. No one else comes there except yourself and your family.

Even friends do not just drop in. They are invited out there with you

after you have let them into your house. Strangers who come are

intruders and will be dwelt with by the police. It is the same with

relationships.You have enter someone’s inner life with their consent.

You do thisby valuing the person and listening intently to what

they say. Bylistening intently (consciously in a rational way and

unconsciouslywith your intuition), you are as it were gently

knocking on the door of their inner house. If that person trusts

you, they will then invite youinto the garden of their life. Then

you can talk gently back and forth, establishing a relationship

with them. They will then open their door of their inner life at a

later time if you knock. Keeping that process going is a Sustainable

Relationship. If I act suspiciously or try and crash the door with a

sledge hammer, I will not be let in. That is what I call an

Unsustainable Relationship.


Transformation of life purpose: I have developed a passion

to build inner community with many people around the world,

especially by e-mail. As I am on a permanent life-long Income,

I have time to spend with people in a way I could never do in

my busy business. Even though I cannot drive at the moment

after thirteen years, I have learnt to drive on the Internet and

see hundreds of people at the same time. Since 2001, I have started

the following three e-mail broadcasts plus websites which have been designed free of cost for me:

  • Brain Injury Survivor Network (BISN) for Brain Injury People': I help facilitate the
Brain Injury Survivor Network and an international blog site through Blogger (see

I have brain injury survivors all over the world I am in contact with:

  • Australia
  • England
  • America
  • Singapore
  • Canada
  • Zimbabwe etc.

Statistics for brain injury in QLD: There are apparently 11,000 people a year in Queensland (one of seven states in Australia) who finish up with a brain injury from various causes.

Of those who survive, 4000 of these people will be permanently disabled in some way with reduced brain function capabilities. Less than two hundred of these can expect to receive the quality of care and further rehabilitation they need let alone deserve. Of those with a permanent brain injury, up to fifty percent of marriages and relationships will fold up. It is a big silent epidemic in our community. You can see someone in a wheelchair but you cannot see all the invisible changes that have gone on with a brain-injury.

  • ·‘New Earth Community’ e-mail broadcast: A website on a new community around the world called ‘New Earth Community’ …. A community linked by the Internet in Cyberspace. This community is meant to bring a new sense of belonging with the a real discovery or affirmation of identity through the Sustainable Life. The basis of this life is one which has the ability to be continually renewed and maintained. This life has three elements to it:

  • Structure gives order, direction, aims and overall purpose
  • Spirituality gives ultimate significance. It is the inner room of your life which answers such questions as: Who are we as people?, What is the meaning of life?, Are we significant?, What values should I live by?, what gives identity and destiny


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm fascinated by your blog and the topics you cover! I wondered if you’d be interested in a book I have commissioned, which aims to make the Sacred Text of Jesus accessible to spiritual seekers from all walks of life. In short, the book gives fresh access to the stories of Jesus by weaving modern day writings and images throughout the Sacred Texts. Writings include meditations, prayers of harmony, beautiful poetry and topical articles, which help to give a broader perspective on certain relevant issues in the Texts. Some of the topics include: Crystals, Angels, the Environment, Wisdom and Astrology.

Let me know if you’d be keen to see the sample chapter or talk about it more. Here is the web link-

If its not your thing that’s ok.
