Thursday, February 12, 2009


These pages are given to highlight further issues of building Christian community around the world. Jesus Christ needs to be at the centre of all efforts to building that community. Then there needs to be a wholistic emphasis on the inner person (our spirit), middle person (our soul of mind, will and emotions) and our outer persons (our physical body), as being necessary for building effective community.

There are several categories here as part this Resources page:

  • Websites

  • Recommended Books ….. still under construction

  • Past E-mail Broadcasts ….. still under construction


    These websites have been grouped initially into two broad sections then four finer categories in the last section of four categories based on the ideas below:


2. INNER PERSON (our spirit): see the Blog Site:

3. MIDDLE PERSON (our soul of mind, will and emotions): see the Blog Site:

4. OUTER PERSON (physical body) …. Practical application of our Christian Worldview And The Outer Created Order .. how did we get here? ….. through Evolution or a Special Creation?): see the Blog Site:

. An application of Paul in Romans ….. Rom 1:18-21 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness

  • Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them

    For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

    Wherefore God also gave, them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

    Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    For this cause God gave, them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    v28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.


    Recommended Books: ….. still under construction

    A Recommended Book Available From Koorong in Australia ( or another Christian bookstore in another country


    Heavenly Man, The by Hattaway Paul, Brother Yun.

    Heavenly Man, ThePublisher Descriptions

    The true story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan Province, China, and used him to preach the gospel despite intense persecution.

    The Heavenly Man is the intensely dramatic story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan Province and used him mightily to preach the gospel despite horrific opposition. Brother Yun is one of China’s house church leaders, a man who despite his relative youth has suffered prolonged torture and imprisonment for his faith. His account challenges any complacency about the situation in China, where international economic investment ignores the brutal fact that religious persecution is still a daily reality for millions. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus. This astonishing book will form a watershed in your spiritual life.


    Call To Conversion, The (Revised and Updated 2005) … (Why Faith Is Always Personal but Never Private)

    Wallis Jim (Author of the New York Times bestselling God’s Politics)


    Koorong’s Price: $19.95 [less 15%] you pay: $16.96

    Description Publisher Descriptions
    Put Your Faith into Action!

    A leading voice at the crossroads of faith and politics offers a prophetic appeal for our times: faced with a growing gap between the rich and poor, bombarded by national security alerts that ratchet up our stress levels, taxed by a govern-ment that spends billions of dollars on war - where do we find hope? In this revised and updated edition of his classic, Jim Wallis insightfully critiques contemporary culture and politics, inspiring us with stories to convert our way of thinking and point to a solution to our current social and political dilemmas.
    - Publisher


    God’s Politics

    Wallis Jim (Author of the New York Times bestselling God’s Politics)


    Koorong’s Price: $34.95 [less 15%] you pay: $29.71

    Description Publisher Descriptions
    Since when did believing in God and having moral values make you pro-war, pro-rich, and pro-Republican? And since when did promoting and pursuing a progressive social agenda with a concern for economic security, health care, and educational opportunity mean you had to put faith in God aside?

    While the Right in America has hijacked the language of faith to prop up its political agenda - an agenda not all people of faith support - the Left hasn’t done much better, largely ignoring faith and continually separating moral discourse and personal ethics from public policy. While the Right argues that God’s way is their way, the Left pursues an unrealistic separation of religious values from morally grounded political leadership. The consequence is a false choice between ideological religion and soulless politics.

    The effect of this dilemma was made clear in the 2004 presidential election. The Democrats’ miscalculations have left them despairing and searching for a way forward. It has become clear that someone must challenge the Republicans’ claim that they speak for God, or that they hold a monopoly on moral values in the nation’s public life. Wallis argues that America’s separation of church and state does not require banishing moral and religious values from the public square. In fact, the very survival of America’s social fabric depends on such values and vision to shape our politics - a dependence the nation’s founders recognized.

    God’s Politics offers a clarion call to make both our religious communities and our government more accountable to key values of the prophetic religious tradition - that is, make them pro-justice, pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-equality, pro-consistent ethic of life (beyond single issue voting), and pro-family (without making scapegoats of single mothers or gays and lesbians). Our biblical faith and religious traditions simply do not allow us as a nation to continue to ignore the poor and marginalized, deny racial justice, tolerate the ravages of war, or turn away from the human rights of those made in the image of God. These are the values of love and justice, reconciliation, and community that Jesus taught and that are at the core of what many of us believe, Christian or not. In the tradition of prophets such as Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, and Desmond Tutu, Wallis inspires us to hold our political leaders and policies accountable by integrating our deepest moral convictions into our nation’s public life.
    - Publisher.


    Velvet Elvis … Repainting the Christian Faith Rob Bell. Paperback Koorong’s Price: $16.95

    Description Publisher Descriptions Author Bio
    “Somewhere in my basement sits a Velvet Elvis - a painting of the King himself, air-brushed onto black velvet in a wooden frame.

    What if the painter of my Velvet Elvis announced there was no more need to paint, that he had painted the ultimate painting? We would think he had lost his mind because of our instinctive understanding that art is never done - it’s the endless process of learning, exploring, shaping and forming.

    And it’s no different with faith. The Christian faith will never be complete. We will always be exploring and discovering what it means to live in harmony with God and each other. If we don’t, our faith may end up in the basement.

    This book is about the endless need to keep painting. . .Rob Bell.”
    - Publisher.


    Irresistible Revolution, The

    Claiborne Shane.


    Koorong’s Price: $14.95

    Average review rating is:  stars

PAST E-MAIL BROADCASTS ….. See the following stories:

  • ___________________________________________________________________________

    PAST KEN AND HARRIET PLACE E-MAIL BROADCASTS ….. E-mail broadcasts to lighten up your day …. bring some fun, laughter and a different perspective on life.

    From a Christian Spirituality: Proverbs 15:13-15 “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness. All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.”


PAST MISCELLANEOUS E-MAIL BROADCASTS FORWARDED ON ….. to encourage or inform people in a thoughtful way.

  • The House Church Movement in America

  • House Church Movement In Asia

  • House Churches Are More Satisfyingslamic theology and Iraqi Christians - Part I

  • The Barnabas Fund ….. Hope and Aid For The Persecuted Church

  • __________

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